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Frequently Asked Questions

What are boundaries and how will they affect my child?

Boundaries only apply to Little League sanctioned tournament play. Registration is open  to everyone no matter where you live in the Bluegrass region. This allows players to come  in from all over central Kentucky. Players who have been participating at Southwest Lexington PONY and reside or attend school outside of Bluegrass Little League’s boundary also have the option to apply  for a one-time waiver from Little League, which will grant the player permission to play in Little  League sanctioned tournaments.

As with all other local Little League programs, our league has a boundary map. The map serves several purposes within our program, including maintaining a community environment within  the league. Streets and areas are specifically outlined, and no local league boundary can overlap or encroach on another chartered Little League’s boundary. Players may either reside or attend  a school within the boundary map. 

Our boundary includes all of Fayette County west of US-68/US-27; the southern part of  Georgetown, running along county road 1962, US-62, and US-460; all residential and school  addresses located in Midway and Versailles; and the northwest part of Nicholasville, running  along west of US-27, north of county road 29, and east/north of US-68 and county road 169. It is  the yellow portion in the image below.

What is my child's league age and in what division can he/she play?

Your child’s league age can be determined by referring to the Little League Age Calculator. The age determination dates are different for baseball and softball, so be sure to use the correct calendar. After checking your child’s league age, consult Little League’s Division of Play page to see in what division your child is eligible to play in this season. Visit this page for a description of the divisions we offer.

What equipment is required/optional for my child?


Required Equipment
  • Glove
Suggested Equipment
  • Helmet
  • Pants (baseball or athletic)
Optional Equipment
  • Cleats
  • Bat
  • Batting Gloves


Required Equipment
  • Glove
  • Baseball Pants
  • Cleats
Suggested Equipment
  • Helmet
  • Mouth Guard
  • Belt/Socks (Team color)
Optional Equipment
  • Protective Cup
  • Bat
  • Batting Gloves


Required Equipment
  • Glove
  • Baseball Pants
  • Cleats
Suggested Equipment
  • Helmet
  • Mouth Guard
  • Belt/Socks (Team color)
Optional Equipment
  • Protective Cup
  • Bat
  • Batting Gloves
  • Catchers Equipment
    (if your child with be catcher)

Schedule Information

General Info: Game and practice schedules are are determined by the number of players registered, the number of teams in each division and availability of umpires. The information below is general in nature and is subject to change based on the above factors. We attempt to keep games and practices on the same day of each week but it is not always possible.

Weeball One practice and one game per week. Typically 35-45 minutes each.

Teeball/Rookie/Minors Two games and one practice per week. One weekday game and practice. Once Saturday game. Typically 1-1.5 hours each

Majors/Intermediate Two games and one practice per week. One weekday game and practice. Once Saturday game. Typically 1.5 - 2 hours each

What costs are covered by the player registration fee?

The registration fee is used to pay for various operational costs during the course of the season, including team jerseys and hats, umpires, field maintenance, scorekeepers, and playing equipment. Starting in 2019, LFUCG Parks and Recreation requires all youth franchise leagues to charge a nominal fee per player to help offset general costs associated with the park.

Is financial assistance available to pay for my child's registration fee?

Financial assistance is available to families. The T-Mobile Little League® Call Up Grant is dedicated to helping families in need by covering registration fees associated with their local Little League program. Our league also provides scholarship to families upon request. Email the League President for more information.

If I want to volunteer, how do I know what is available?

The general operation of our league is completely dependent upon adult volunteers. In fact, all league officials and coaches are volunteers. We are always looking for parents/guardians to get involved, and we have many opportunities available throughout the spring season, specifically. First, you must complete a Volunteer Application, a requirement of Little League. Then, you may indicate your interests in volunteering when you register your child online. We will also email and post information to our Facebook page about volunteer opportunities.

Where do games and practices occur?

As part of our agreement with LFUCG Parks and Recreation, we use two public parks for games and practices across all age divisions. All games and many practices will occur at Cardinal Run Park on fields 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, depending on the playing division. It is one of the premier youth baseball complexes in the Lexington area. Practices may also occur at Wolf Run Park, Garden Springs Park, Castlewood Park, D-BAT Lexington, or The Yard.

What other rules and regulations should I know?

We follow the Little League rulebook and have developed local rules for each division that you may view. Little League has a comprehensive list of questions and answers for parents to help avoid any misconceptions or misinterpretations.

Does the league provide uniforms?

Yes, jersey and hat is provided by the league. Baseball pants are strongly recommended for all ages above weeball. Most families also elect purchase a belt and socks to match team colors.

Does my child need to have their own bat?

No. The league can provide bats to each team if needed. Most coaches also have bats or bats can be borrowed from teammates with permission from the family.

Does my child need to have their own helmet?

They must have a helmet to bat and run bases. The league can provide helmets to each team if needed but they must be shared amongst the team. Most coaches also have helmets or they can be borrowed from teammates with permission from the family.

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