Schedule Information
General Info: Game and practice schedules are determined by the number of players registered, the number of teams in each division and availability of umpires. The information below is general in nature and is subject to change based on the above factors. We attempt to keep games and practices on the same day of each week but it is not always possible.
Weeball—One practice and one game per week. Typically 35-45 minutes each
Teeball/Rookie/Minors—Two games and one practice per week. One weekday game and practice. One Saturday game. Typically 1-1.5 hours each
Majors—Two games and one practice per week. One weekday game and practice. One Saturday game. Typically 1.5 - 2 hours each
General Calendar of Events
This timeline of events is intended to give you an idea of what to expect during the Spring, All-Star, and Fall seasons.
- Spring Season Registration Opens - Late December
- Spring Registration Closes - Depending on the the Division as follows:
- Majors/Intermediate - Mid February
- Rookie/Minors - Late February
- Teeball - Early March
- Weeball - Early March
- Player Evaluations
- Majors/Minors - Mid February
- Rookie - Late February
- Player Drafts
- Majors/Minors - Late February
- Rookie - Early March
- Meet the Coach - typically takes place the week following the drafts or end of registration (Tee Ball/Weeball).
- Practices Begin
- Majors/Intermediate - Early March
- Minors/Rookie - Mid March
- Teeball/Weeball - Mid/Late March
- Games Begin
- Majors/Intermediate - Late March
- Minors/Rookie - Early April
- Teeball/Weeball - Same as Opening Ceremony
- Opening Ceremony - Early-Mid April
- Fayette County Spring Break - No games* or practices
- Allstar Registration Opens - Early May
- Allstar Registration Closes - Mid May
- Allstar Rosters Announced - Late May
- Memorial Day Weekend - No games* or practices
- Tournament Play begins for all divisions above Weeball - Early June
- Spring Season Closing Ceremonies - Championship games played - Early June
- Family Fun Day - Early June
- All-Stars/Tournaments
- Registration opens for Fall Season - Mid June
- Registration closes for Fall Season - Late July
- Fall Season Rosters Announced - Early August
- Practices start for Fall - Early August
- Nomination period opens for officers and members to the board of directors
for the next term - Mid September
- Fall Season Ends - Late September
- Nomination period closes for officers and members to the board of directors for the
next term - Early October
- Annual meeting to elect new officers and members to the board of directors - Mid October
*Due to inclement weather we may have to reschedule games during these times.