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Division Descriptions



Our league follows the Little League Baseball® age determination rules. Current rules indicate August 31 as the cut off date to determine the league ages of players. Ages for the fall season are based on the spring season that follows. Use the Little League Age Calculator to determine the appropriate age division for your child. Send an email with any questions.

The spring season is a traditional competitive season. Division standings are kept, there are playoff tournaments in each of the divisions, and teams finishing first and second in their division (both regular season and during the playoffs) are given trophies at the end-of-the-year closing ceremonies. During the spring season, teams typically play 2-3 times a week, including practices and games on Saturdays. The league doesn't schedule regular games or practices on Sunday, though games canceled due to inclement weather may be rescheduled on those days.

Intermediate, Majors, Minors, and Rookie Division players are placed on teams using a draft process. All coaches from the respective divisions attend evaluation sessions.
Siblings playing in the same division are placed on the same team to make it easier on parents. If you have any questions regarding evaluations, please email the appropriate division coordinator. 

The fall season is focused on teaching fundamentals and player development. The league will incorporate camps and clinics to help improve player skill levels. The emphasis is development. Each player will automatically be grouped by age, unlike the Spring Season where you may have to attend an evaluation. If a parent really wants their child to “play up” in an age division based on his/her skill level, it must be requested on the registration form. All games are played on week nights, with weekends off. Ages are based on the upcoming spring season.

The summer season is for players who want to play at a more advanced, competitive level as part of our league all-stars and/or Rangers programs. Each age group 6-years-old and up may have at least one team; some of have two teams. Players at each age level must try out or are selected by league coaches. Teams generally practice multiple times per week and then compete in local and regional weekend tournaments, starting in mid-June through the end of July. Our league may also form teams to compete in Little Little sanctioned tournaments. Our league has won the Kentucky state championship in the Intermediate (50/70) division for the past four years. Questions cans be sent to the league all-stars coordinator.    


Intermediate: Age 13
Advances Little League baseball by preparing players for the next level and is the most competitive division of play. Pitchers throw from 50 feet, bases are 70 feet apart and players can lead off, and games consist of 7 innings. 

Majors:  Ages 9-12
Advances kid-pitch through Little League's most traditional division of play. Pitchers throw from 46 feet, bases are 60 feet apart, and games consist of 6 innings. Nine players play at all times on offense and defense, with substitutions allowed.

Minors:  Ages 8-11
Prepares players to move up to the Majors and Intermediate Divisions. This level introduces players to kid pitch. Players are allowed to steal bases and learn base stealing. Coaches help players continue to work on individual skills among players, such as hitting and defense. Games last a maximum of 6 innings (time limit imposed). All players bat and 10 play in the field. 

Rookie: Ages 6-8
Allows players to grow after Teeball. Coaches pitch to kids so they can learn to see the ball coming out of a pitcher’s hand. They learn to follow the ball all the way into the catcher’s mitt. They learn the fundamentals of the game such as fielding, hitting, throwing and defense. Games last a maximum of 6 innings (time limit imposed). All players bat and 10 play in the field.

Teeball: Ages 4-6
Lets children and parents have the experience of learning a game together. Teeball will introduce children to running bases, hitting off of a tee, fielding balls and catching popups. Games last one hour and we do keep score. All players play in the field and bat. Players may request a coach/team at this level.

Weeball: Ages 3-4
Introduces basic skills to young players. All players hit off a tee and play the field. Outs and runs are not recorded. It is a great opportunity for families to get involved with the our league for the first time. Each team is limited to 8 players. The distance between bases is 40 feet. Games and practices are limited to about 35 minutes.


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