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AllStars Program Information

Bluegrass Little League
2024 All-Stars Program Information

Bluegrass Little League strives to ensure the regular season offers as much opportunity to play and experience baseball as possible. The League implements numerous playing divisions and local rules to make for a more enjoyable playing experience for ALL players. Our League has many different playing levels, each geared to accommodate players based on their age and ability of play.

The All-Stars Season is a completely separate opportunity from our regular season activities. It is an opportunity for a significantly higher level of play within the regional Little League system. Players will receive focused instruction in preparation to compete against other Little League teams within the District, State and beyond.  As such, the All-Stars Season requires a high level of player and family commitment.  Teams may practice for several hours per day up to 7 days/week at the sole discretion of each team's Head Coach.

Players will be considered for selection to an All-Stars roster based on three factors:

1) Eligibility - Players must meet all eligibility requirements set forth by Little League International.  This includes proof of residency and/or school attendance within the Bluegrass Little League boundary.  Documentation is required and will be collected by each team's Head Coach and/or the All-Stars Director.

2) Availability - Players must commit to attending all team practices and tournament games.  A Tournament Player's first commitment is to the BLL team before any other Non-Little League team or to any other activity, sport or camp during the All-Stars Season.  Any absences must be approved by the respective Head Coach.  Multiple unexcused absences may be cause for removal from the team.

3) Ability - Each player's performance throughout the regular season is the key component for consideration.  Statistical information may be referenced for those divisions that document individual player results.  A player's attitude, competitive spirit and demonstrated baseball skill and acumen should be taken into account.  An optional All-Stars Player Evaluation session will be held for any players interested in attending.

Please review the 2024 All-Stars Selection Process document for full details on this exciting opportunity!

All parents interested in having your player considered as a candidate for an All-Stars roster should complete the 2023 All-Stars Program Registration online.  Deadline for submission is Friday, 5/17, 11:59pm.

Key Dates for All-Stars Selection Process & Tournaments

  • 5/6 All-Stars Registration Opens
  • 5/14                All-Stars Head Coaches Announced
  • 5/17 Deadline for parents to complete 2024 All-Stars Program Registration
  • 5/19 OPTIONAL All-Stars Evaluation Day
  • 5/20-5/23 Player voting conducted (Minors, Majors)
  • 5/23-5/24 League coaches voting conducted (Rookie, Minors, Majors)
  • 5/25 Parents of players selected to a team notified and commitment confirmed
  • 5/27 All-Stars team rosters announced and published online
  • 6/2 All-Stars teams may begin practices
  • 6/22-6/25 District 3 Coach Pitch Tournament 7U and 8U (Richmond Little League)
  • 6/28-7/5 District 3 Little League 12U, 11U, 10U Tournaments (Harrison County Little League)
  • 7/8 - 7/11 KY State Coach Pitch Tournament begins (Richmond Little League)
  • 7/15-7/20 KY State Little League  12U, 11U, 10U Tournaments begin (Corbin, KY)

Contact David Lovely, All-Stars Director with any questions.

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