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Mar, 2022

2022 Opening Ceremonies

The Spring 2022 season will officially kick off on Saturday, April 16 when teams participate in the traditional Opening Ceremonies!

The ceremonies will begin with Teeball and Weeball teams starting at 9:00 AM. Teeball teams will be on Field 2, while Weeball teams will be on Field 6. Each team will be recognized and given their team flag to sign and hang on the outfield fence. Once altogether on the field, teams will recite the Little League Pledge

Then, at 2:00 PM on Field 1, the ceremonies will begin for teams in the Intermediate, Majors, Minors, and Rookie divisions. Each team will be recognized and given their team flag to sign and hang on the outfield fence of their playing division's respective field. Once altogether on Field 1, teams will recite the Little League Pledge. The ceremonies will conclude with players league age 12 receiving personalized wood bats made by Louisville Slugger. 

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